8 top tips to recover from root canal treatment faster

Root canal treatment is meant to save your natural tooth. The procedure involves getting rid of the harmful bacteria from the infected root canal and cure infection of the tooth. While performing root canal treatment your dentist removes the infected or inflamed pulp from inside of the tooth. The tooth is then cleaned and disinfected properly. Finally, the treated tooth is filled and sealed.

When dentists or endodontists prescribe the root canal treatment it almost sends a chill down the spine of the patients. However, there is nothing to be worried about if you have to undergo this preservative dentistry treatment. It is one of the best ways to cure and preserve a diseased and damaged tooth. The procedure saves millions of teeth every year. Moreover, it saves patients from nasty pain, swelling and infection that result from infection of the pulp.

What is the pulp? A dentist skilled and experienced in emergency root canal treatment in London and near me explains pulp is the soft tissue that resides inside the dentin. The outermost layer of the tooth is the enamel. Dentin is another hard layer that stays inside the enamel. The pulp of the tooth contains the blood vessels, the connectives and the nerves. These components play a vital role in growth of the root of a tooth during the stages of development. On the other hand, it is easily possible for a fully developed tooth to survive without the pulp. This is because at this stage the tooth gets its necessary nourishments from the neighbouring tissues.

Modern dentistry has evolved to lot to make root canal treatment or RCT much less oppressing compared to that of the past. It is now much like routine filling of the tooth cavities. It takes just one or two appointments to complete total root canal of a tooth. However, that depends on the exact condition of a tooth, the severity of its damage and individual health conditions of a patient. Compared to that of the past, modern root canal treatment is almost painless. It is also more effective in preserving the natural tooth than before.

Yet people cannot forget the dreadful past. Thus, they become scary on hearing the term ‘root canal’ from their dentists. It is important to emphasise that right after a root canal procedure patients feel very little pain. Even the mouth and the gums become totally normal within a few days. The better care you take of yourself after the procedure the faster the site heals up.

How can you take proper care of your teeth and the gums after a root canal treatment (RCT)? Here are few tried and tested tips to make your task easier.

Keep your head up and elevated

Right after a root canal procedure completes it is normal to experience little pain and swelling in the mouth. In order to settle these issues fast keep your head up and elevated. Try avoiding lying down at this stage. Lying down may make your condition worse. Add a pillow or two while sleeping so that your head is little elevated. Maintain this practice at least for a couple of days after the procedure.

Avoid eating right away

Do not eat or drink anything after the procedure unless the effect of anaesthesia is totally gone. Till there is numbness in the mouth, remember you are not eating or drinking anything. Immediately after a root canal procedure you can expect little sensitivity in the tooth to hot and cold. Better be prepared for root canal procedure in advance.

Take pain medicines as prescribed by the dentist

Root canal treatment is done under the effect of anesthesia. You are likely to experience little pain and discomfort once the effect of sedative wears off. If your dentist prescribes any antibiotic or painkiller, you must take those medicines as per instruction. If the dentist does not prescribe any painkiller, then it is okay to take over the counter (OTC) analgesic pain reliever and anti-inflammatory medicines from the local chemist. Ibuprofen or even paracetamol is both safe and effective to take in such cases.

Lukewarm salt water gargle

Root canal treatment involves a major risk. The gum area surrounding the infected tooth also gets infected. This results in much pain and suffering. Gargle with lukewarm salt water at least twice a day after a root canal treatment. This proves helpful clearing away the infection faster.

Enjoy your ice creams and take cold compress

After your root canal treatment gets over you should have ice cream. Coldness of ice cream helps reducing the inflammation to a large extent. It also eradicates the infection. Thus, your recovery becomes faster and smoother. As an alternate option you can also apply cold compress to the treated site a few times a day. Apply cold compress for about 10 to 15 minutes at a time. if you want to continue with cold compress, make sure it continues at least first few days following the treatment.

Stay away from anything that may cause inflammation

During the first few days after your root canal, you have to be little cautious. You must avoid anything and everything that may cause inflammation. Stay away from hot beverages as well as alcohol and smoking. It is even better to avoid hard foods during this time. You should even foods that need to be sucked, like toffee and lollipop. These foods and drinks may inflame your gum tissues once again. Inflammation may lead to pain and swelling once again. As a result of these unwanted complications your recovery will be slower.

Stay away from strenuous physical activities and hectic schedules for a couple of days

Once your root canal treatment is over you should put your feet up, relax and take life a little easy. Avoid any kind of strenuous physical activity, gym and workouts for at least 48 hours following the procedure. In other words, no running, sprinting, jogging, cycling, hiking, swimming or any other type of sports for you during this period. It is also better to have a little less work load on the professional field.

Call your dentist if there is any untoward development

Dentists working at Emergency Dentist London Pro suggest you must get in touch with your dentist immediately if there is any untoward development following the procedure. In some cases, patients experience bleeding, severe pain, swelling, fever and such other unwanted side effects after root canal treatment. Although these unwanted side effects are pretty rare but you must let your dentist know immediately about these developments if you face one.

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